Tuesday, January 13, 2015

twornauthors daily fact

Millions of American's are burdened with Alzheimer's, a Disease that robs us not only of our memory but of everything we hold dear.Here are a couple of ideas from CNN that we can start utilizing in our lives to possibly reverse it.We are currently taking Vitamin D and Probiotics.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Twornauthors daily fact

Thanks Ms. Bergamo:
When I came across your article I recalled the numerous times we as nurses have been stuck by a needle and hope against all hope that its sting will not shatter our lives.For nurses- vigilant angels who continually put their lives at risk in the line of duty to save others,we salute you.
http://www.nursetogether.com/facts-nurses-should-know-about-hiv #Nurses #Health

Thursday, January 1, 2015

TwoRnAuthors daily fact!

May this new year bring peace and fulfillment. Find whatever it is that truly ignites your passion and grab onto it. The sky's the limit. Take this fresh start and conquer your goals. Turn your dreams into realities and remember to tell the ones that matter the most how you feel. Let  your heart lead the way.
#2015 #twornauthors